Yesterday we learned that if you flip a highchair upside down, it becomes a car seat holder and that if you ask the Gods nicely enough, you can, in fact, thwart a rainstorm.

We also learned that when you put your truth and good vibes out there, incredible things can happen, including (but not limited to) the creation of a modern village of rad mamas who come together to support one another and propel each other forward in a positive direction.

We want to thank all the Rebels who made it out to our Highchair Hangout *patio edition* at The Drake Hotel  – it was an afternoon filled with lots of laughter, a few tears, and some of the sweetest little cherubs we’ve ever had the privilege of squishing.

P.S. we have a few #RebelBabe Caps left, so hit us up ([email protected]) if you’d like to snag one for yourself!
(Fits toddlers and mama’s!)






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