When it comes to our overall sanity, there are a few people who work their asses off behind the scenes to ensure that we’re always keeping it 100. We call these people: The Rebel Aunties.

They’re the girls who went out of their ways to come see us when our babies were tiny and we were hot hormonal messes. They came and they brought us their famous homemade chocolate chip cookies, held our little cherubs so we could brush our teeth, and told us that everything was going to be O.K..

They were patient with us. They offered support in any way they could, even though our struggles were ones to which they could never fully relate.

To this day, they remain our vital lifelines to the great big world that exists outside of diaper blowouts, ouchies, and supreme meltdowns; and as much as they work to keep us as an active part of their worlds, they also make an effort to be a part of ours (and our spawns’). 

They are our biggest cheerleaders and our most ardent sounding boards (“hey guys, do people still say YOLO, orrrrr….”) and ever since we entered the mom game, we’ve never been able to understand how these essential members of “the village” always seem to get overlooked.


Well, that bullshit ends today.

Aunties, you are now an official player on #TEAMREBELMAMA. And we are so incredibly grateful to have you in our tribe.

Thanks for keeping us cool, keeping us sane, and inspiring us to keep moving forward – no matter what obstacles appear in our paths. You mean the world to us.



To celebrate the launch of the *new* REBEL AUNTY jersey, we’re hooking you up with a Buy One, Get One 1/2 Off Discount on ALL merchandise in the Rebel Mama store, from October 2nd to 7th, 2017!

There’s never been a better time to get the whole team suited up.

Oh, and yes, the REBEL MAMA jerseys are back in stock and better than ever, thanks to our new, vintage-inspired dying process (which we are obsessed with) that has not only made them more dope, but somehow, they’re now even more comfy (whaaaat? yes.). We should also take this opportunity to remind you that the Rebel Papa tees are modeled after Alexander Wang cuts soooooo ….

What are you still doing here? Show the crew some mama love and, SHOP THE REBEL MAMA.

xx RM


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