If you know us well or have been following us for a while, you know that for the most part we consider our "exercise routine" to be walking, dancing, chasing our kids, and maybe a yoga stretch in the mix. But recently, we thought we'd get a little less casual about it and build an effective exercise regimen that strengthens, tones and has us feeling our very best. The Pilates BodyWorkout 12-week program was a game changer and has actually changed our lifestyle. Natalya's customized program includes daily 10-20 min Pilates sessions and helps you reach your personal goals by tracking steps and providing nutritional support and personalized advice. The app makes it hella easy to follow, gives you access to connect with Natalya via chat, and (most important of all) provides you with that accountability angle, ensuring that you will be successful. Personally, this program has improved the way we eat, our posture, our body strength, our sleep, and our mental health. Highly recommended for those that are ready to live their best lives and need a little help doing it.