If we have to listen to one more self-proclaimed guru with a failed career and a podcast mic tell us what we need in our lives in order to “optimize our health and wellness” we’re gonna fucking scream. These hacks will have you believe that wellness is serious business, because to them, it is business so they need to make it “serious” in order to charge you some “serious” cash for their very “serious” advice.

But what if there’s another approach to wellness out there? One that is decidedly unserious.

What if your daily wellness goals looked something like:

  1. Breathe some fresh air
  2. Get a walk in 
  3. Eat some real food
  4. Connect with a friend
  5. Marvel at the natural world 
  6. Have an orgasm
  7. Laugh
  8. Help someone
  9. Be Grateful
  10. Sleep

There’d be no need to buy some dude’s digital course or follow some Jesus Christ Superstar looking shaman into the Costa Rican jungle. No requirement to spend your life savings on supplements or commit any time listening to muscly men talk about how menopausal women should eat 4 cows a day and deadlift 300lb weights at the gym (although there might be something to the weightlifting thing). No pressure to homestead or live off the grid with your 8 kids tugging at your egg apron all day.

Just pursue some joy in your life. Drink water and mind your business. Maybe touch some grass while you’re at it?


At least, it doesn’t have to be.

We believe that wellness, while uncomplicated, is twofold. The first piece is highly personal and requires a series of choices about the activities and lifestyles you pursue. And that’s all you, baby. But the other part of wellness requires the participation of the collective. And that’s where we see our role take shape. We’re out to create spaces where people can come together to build meaningful connections – spaces where wellness can blossom in the light of day, not on a screen.

Over the next few months you’ll notice us doing a few things:

  1. Podcasting with a focus on the pursuit of pleasure and joy. The first episode of Season 4 drops next month so make sure to subscribe! LISTEN HERE.
  2. A Walk Club! No cost to join this one either. The first edition launches Sep 29, 2024 downtown Toronto. CLICK HERE TO RSVP.
  3. Supporting local charities like The Diaper Bank and The Love Club.  You know what feels great? Helping others.
  4. Hot/Cold Therapy sessions at Othership. We do these regularily – subscribe to our newsletter for first dibs.
  5. “Girls Gone Mild” women’s retreats for anyone who needs to get the fuck outta dodge for 72 hours and exist in the lap of luxury AND in the wilderness at the same damn time.

We’ve spent most of our lives up to this point going wild but now we’re focused on going mild and we’re inviting you to join us.

We’re gonna keep our cortisol levels down by not worrying about wellness. We’re gonna get the serotonin flowing simply by hanging out. We’re gonna bump up our dopamine by escaping our responsibilities for a hot minute.

But the question remains: We’ve spent so many years creating a digital community where people can show up and feel welcome and encouraged to be themselves, can we just… go offline?

Well, we’re gonna try and we’re taking you with us.

You in?






