Have you finally had enough of those extra 10lbs of holiday cheer? Are you officially over the post-baby belly bulge? Feeling ready to build that booty back up to something between non-existent and Kourtney Kardashian (what IS that thing, though? Like, seriously)? Well then read on, my friend. Our Rebel Fitness Guru has put together some no-brainer tips to get your mind right and two 15-minute home workouts to get that body tight!


By: Trisha Enriquez (No Tummy Mommy Founder and #RebelFitness Guru)

When I was asked to be a health & fitness contributor for The Rebel Mama I was thrilled, but knew that this was no ordinary “mom blog”. So when I sat down to write the first post for 2016, I knew that a cliche “New Year, New You” type of post just wasn’t going to fly. But with that said, I do want to share a little bit about how we can start whipping that mom ass into shape that doesn’t require too much sweat and tears. Okay, maybe some sweat… But don’t worry, dry shampoo is everything and you won’t have to wash your hair every single day (6-day max rule, according to Nikita’s Rebel Mama Resolutions).

From my experience, the three most common things that moms complain about are:

  1. The fluffy tummy.
  2. The non-existent mom bum.
  3. Not fitting in pre-baby clothes, coupled with being tired of black leggings as the standard mommy uniform.



So with these three issues on the table, I want to help moms set some real-ass fitness resolutions for themselves and also provide a realistic home workout routine that moms will actually do. Let’s start by rephrasing your current 2016 general “get-fit” resolution to one of the following:

  • I will find 15 minutes at least twice a week to commit to some sort of exercise or activity. If absolutely necessary, this could include speed walking and window-shopping on Queen Street.
  • I won’t give up coffee (that’s just crazy), but I will not eat a croissant or baked good with every coffee I drink. Maybe just every three or four.
  • I will commit to eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and at least one snack (this doesn’t include my kid’s cheddar goldfish or pretzels).
  • I will wear jeans once a week and not unbutton them halfway through a meal.
  • I will drink more water. *And for every glass of wine, I will have at least three glasses of water.*



Truth is, most resolutions get flushed down the toilet by the end of January. Keep them real and write them down somewhere. And then commit. Really commit. But now for the fun stuff … what the hell kind of exercise can you do for those 15 minutes you’ve just committed to? Here are two full-body routines you can do in your home with no equipment required. The kiddies might distract you, but you’d be surprised at how they actually want to work out with you (no joke). The key is to get through the 15 minutes even if it means you have one toddler on your back and another running circles around you. Just set a timer on your phone and do your best.

Home Workout 1 (video included)
Jump Squats 10
Split Squats 10 each
Bodyweight Squats 20
90-degree Wall Sits 30s hold
Rest 30s and repeat for a total of 15 minutes.

[wpvideo gL8QKaaZ]

Home Workout 2
Burpees 5-10
Push-Up 5-10
Right Side Plank 20s hold
Left Side Plank 20s hold
Full Plank 20s hold
Rest 30s and repeat for a total of 15 minutes.

And if all else fails and the little ones are driving you up the wall, just go for a brisk walk outside and get your kids (and yourself) some air! I’ll be checking in on you later in January to see how we’re doing with the start of your fitness journey. Until then, here’s to a happy, healthy and caffeinated year ahead!

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