We find so much inspiration among the women in our community. Thank you ladies for keeping it DRAMA FREE (just the way we like it) and for always honouring the sacred space we share. The babes I’m referring to are bold, they are beautiful (cue soap opera theme) and most importantly, they are unapologetically themselves.

Once in a while, a post comes along in our forum that stops everyone dead in their tracks and changes the entire trajectory of ALL our days.

Today’s game changer? A simple question:


Within minutes, the thread quickly filled with comments, drowning in self-love. They were magnetic. I was sucked in quickly, reading every last reply, lapping up every positive reflection.  It was a beautiful post and a beautiful moment but it also made me stop and wonder, why does this seem so rare? Why is it so hard to give yourself a compliment? Perhaps we’re all just sadly out of practice. Or maybe we’re so used to picking ourselves apart that self scrutiny has become nothing short of another bad habit.

But habits can change. In fact, according to science (read: Google) it takes about two weeks. And judging from the response that simple question got today – I’m willing to bet that the habit of forgetting to acknowledge ones strengths is a habit worth breaking.

For me, I love my sense of humour. Although crass at times – it tends to get me through anything and everything. Life can be chaotic, overwhelming, and heavy AF sometimes and you gotta mix that shit up. My sassy comments usually lead me to some interesting people and fascinating discussions which is what I live for.

Of course, I would be an asshole if I didn’t share the wealth that I myself was so inspired by – so here it is. Each and every one of the comments on that one fateful post.

My hope is that you take a minute to answer this question today too. And maybe do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.

Love is the most powerful thing, direct some toward yourself every once in a while.


Image result for vintage hug gif


My sense of humour.

How strong I am. I managed to go through a rough breakup with my husband ..who cheated on me with my best friend .. double the betrayal from the closest people that I had. Single Mom of 2 and rocking it.

I am strong, I don’t let people tear me down. My eye colour, my ability to adapt. And I believe that I am a really good and loyal friend.

I’d say my perseverance and ability to empathize are what I truly love about myself.

I would have to say my strength and my ability to see the positive in shit situations.

My ability to take advantage of every opportunity to live life to the fullest. Little fear, no regrets.

I love my spirit and resilience. Oh and my big old emotional heart?

Being a first time mama with a 6month old.. I’m proud of the patience I didn’t know I had.

I’m smart , open minded, empathetic to people, straight forward (no fakeness), and have nice boobs and brows. Thank you, this made me feel good ??

I’m proud of surviving the first 6 months of motherhood, and am surprised at my level of patience.

Always seeing the “other” side of any situation. I love being able to literally turn a frown upside down and know have people feel good about themselves.

My sass… and my ride or die mentality for my “circle”.

I rarely think about this. I would say my eyes and my sensitive heart. It allows me to be very kind and non judgmental of pretty much everyone, even if they aren’t kind to me.

I’m a healer.

Everything. Honestly. I had awful self confidence issues growing up, and even into my adulthood, but 30 years and a divorce later, I began to see that I’m amazing just the way I am. Two and a half years ago I had my daughter and felt like Wonder Woman (my husband actually compared me to her in a very touching facebook post). I’m 36 now and am truly happy.

I love that I have courage, and I love that I KNOW I will be ok no matter what. Even on my lowest and darkest days I just know there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m happy I have this resilience that gets me through life.

My authenticity.

I love that no matter what life throws at me, I’ll find a way.

Photo Credits:

Janell Shirtcliff
Ann Margret via Gifer.com


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